It's a new day in this life for me. I'm not kidding my friends. I've had it with the foolishness. Pettiness. Childishness. Ignorance and ignorant people. I'm not saying I'm about to be like those people from the FLDS, by a ranch in the middle of nowhere, and isolate myself. What I am saying is that we as mature adults need to learn how to kick out the foolishness in our lives. You know, I can't stand foolishness because it slows me down every time. I've learned to ask God to raise me up in discernment so I won't go down the road of shame. I've been down that road too many times in my life and I don't want to go back. I think my man Paul was referring to those "weights" he was talking about in Hebrews 12:1. Foolish situations and foolish people cause great men and women to never reach their place of destiny. Samson made the terrible mistake of fooling around with Delilah and look what happened to him in the end. I mean, man, foolish is deadly emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually, and financially. I know this for myself. My beautiful wife Dionn and I have gone through these 5 occurrences this year. Foolishness and foolish people have caused us much pain because we allowed it. Boy, we've learned our lesson. Now, here's a little list I've learned from the better part of 2012:
1. Avoid foolish people
2. Avoid foolish situations
3. Don't be a friend to foolish people
4. Cut the hang nail off before it gives you pain
5. Don't entertain foolish talk
6. Don't be foolish with money/credit
7. Don't be foolish with your time
8. Think before you act - Daddy Tony '94
9. Learn not to try changing foolish people
10. Foolish people will hate you for whatever you do
I've learned these things are true. If you're about something, run far from it when you see foolishness. Listen, Jesus didn't always entertain and stay long in the presence of foolish people (Pharisees). He said what He needed to say and disappeared like Japan's greatest ninja. He "politiced" with the people the "civilized world" called grimy. He poured into people who honored Him and received what He had to say. He spent His money and time wisely. He thought before He spoke and healed those around Him. Before He saw foolishness about to get a foothold in His life, He stopped it dead in His tracks. He didn't try to change foolish people because they were already set in their ways. He just laid the truth on them and brushed off His shoulders. He knew no matter what He did, from restoring little girls to supplying condiments for a wedding, people hated Him to the core. He didn't become friends with foolish people, He just gave them wisdom and let it deal with them. He didn't get into situations that would keep Him from doing what He was purposed to do. He walked in wisdom. Do you hear me now? Good!
Let me leave you with these words and meditate on it:
Proverbs 9:6:
"Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."
Look unto Jesus' life through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Learn how the Master of all masters manuvered His way to fulfilling His purpose in life so that He is now the perfect example to walking in wisdom and not in foolishness.
Now that's how we all cut the foolishness out of our lives.
Til next time, dgwo alias gdow....
2nd Timothy 2:23
Ecclesiastes 4:13
Proverbs 29:9
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