My friends, I'm changing the way I eat. I really mean it because I'm not 18 years old anymore. I'm 31, I may not look like it but I am. One of the first things I need to start doing is taking care of myself. I need to make sure I'm eating right and let go of Taco Bell/McDonalds ("Help Me, Jesus -Jimmy Early from Dreamgirls"). I remember coming up hearing the old schools say to us, "you are what you eat." I'm beginning to learn that's true, that's very true! We continue to eat junk food we're going to turn into a trash can. I remember back in the 80s, my grandma used to say to me, you don't want no real food, you just want dead cows. You're going to turn into a dead cow. Boy, was and still is ever right. As Americans, we're always on the go, texting, e-mailing, downloading, blogging, vlogging, and surfing the web. Instead taking time out at night or waking up early in the morning, we continuously spend much of our paychecks at the drive thru windows. Number 3 please, Supersize! I know I'm not the only one. Most of us (including myself) don't even cook a full course meal with meat, vegetables, some good ol' sweat tea with some bread on the side. We say to ourselves, me want burger, me want pizza, me want tacos. Some of us wondering why we can't stay off the toilet (did I say that, yes you did David). You want to know why? We're eating the wrong stuff! Somebody was telling me a day or two ago that certain food chains process their foods with so much junk, it's polluting our body systems. Infertility, blindness, obesity, and the list goes on. Our bodies are crying for nutrients and some water for crying out loud. But the food chains are like crack and getting us to be like Pookie from New Jack City (what you young whipper-snappers know 'bout that) saying, "it keeps calling me and calling me." It's true. I've got to wean myself from all these years of junk I've been eating and indulging in. From the food I eat to what I read to the conversations I found myself in, to what I watch, to what I hear, to what I see, and so on. It's time for us to get disciplined and put things, as my friend Paul says, under subjection (1st Corinthians 9:24-27). God (whose name is Jesus Christ- nope the message ain't changing) wants to us to be like athletes who are competing for the gold. We can't get better unless we re-prioritize our eating habits, you know what I mean? So I guess this is an open challenge to all of us (including myself, I'm not exempt). When we begin to eat the right things and take our time when we eat (when we rush eating, our bodies can't digest the food properly-Google it), our bodies and minds will thank us. We'll sleep better. Our attitudes are better. Our days will go smoother. We'll feel lighter. More energy to do those things God predestined us to do. It's the small things like these we take for granted or misuse. Ask Adam and Eve, Cain, Solomon, .........
Til Next Time, dgwo
1st Corinthians 9:24-27
So true...30 was no joke for can't stay lean and mean eating junk after a while, good for you. You should come up with a church challenge. No fast food for 30 days and exercise, I don't know but I do know it is easier to do it together.