Tuesday, September 25, 2012

American Hate Mail

I've been holding this blog in my heart for almost 2 weeks. Given the snippets of what's going on in the world, I've come to one conclusion. When someone touches something that is dear to you, you will in some form or fashion retaliate. Something has touched me. Not my beautiful wife Dionn, not my parents, not my bank account, not my cars. Something, some people, some forces has touched my Jesus. I'm very laid back about things but concerning this issue, I can't be quiet. My friends, there's a lot of hate mail going on against Him but since the days of Genesis, mankind has hated on Him since the beginning. Looking into my own life, I've sent Him hate mail many times. I've come to realize that America has grown a bitter distaste against Jesus Christ, which is similar to the Jews in the time of His earthly ministry. People have been successful in taking prayers out of school. I remember back in '94 when the Feds were determining too remove prayer from school. For about 3 or 4 days, these group of white kids would gather around the U.S. flag,  join hands, bow their heads, and prayed for this national. They didn't do that to be seen nor were they forced by their parents to do so. They did this because they knew times were changing and knew somebody had to start praying for America. I knew from that moment on my country was making a bad decision. Shortly after, prayer was taken away. In '99, school shootings were rampant. Today, my generation and those after mine don't even know who Jesus is or hates Him worse than Redskins fans hate the Cowboys. Hate mail. Now, people of high-ranking positions are trying to create more laws to make it a crime to even mention the Bible or Jesus's Name. Various figure heads in the music industry, who have a "ghostwriter", blatantly disrespect the God who died so they can live. The whole entertainment industry is taking shots at Him from inordinate lifestyles to saying ---------- Jesus. Even people who claim to be Christian hate Jesus, too. How can you say that guy? Look at how Christians treat other Christians. Extortion, pre-marital sex, saying they can be a part of "speciality groups" like FreeMasonry and still serve the Lord (remember light and dark can never mix). Now we got a whole bunch of teachings saying it's ok to be this or that but blatantly go against the teachings of Jesus Himself and through His apostles and prophets by His inspiration. Hate mail. America, we love say for Him to bless us but when is the last time we blessed Him? We want to go to heaven. We want to be blessed. But why are we hating on Him? Why are we saying He doesn't exist? Why do we hate Him because some out of whack self professing Christian did us wrong then try to use that as an excuse to live how we want to? Why are we making songs and doing these shows to influence other people to hate Jesus? What has He ever done to us? A lot of us love to say this quote:
why did He allow this or that to happen? The answer is simple, for us to feel our way towards Him, to know Him, His love, and His ultimate purpose for us. However, the biggest price we have to pay is to be changed into His image and likeness as we allow Him to mold us. But America, we've learned not to want to hear that so we hate Him with all our mind, soul, and heart. If millions of people in the Arab world can cry about a "prophet" of old then why can't I say God's heart is hurt that His creation is sending Him hate mail every milli-second of the day? But the more I read His word, the more I pray, the more I begin to immerse myself in His wisdom, I see what David meant in these words:

Psalms 2:1-3:
"Why do the heathen (us) rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth (because we call ourselves the masters of our own destiny) set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,

against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us (let's burn down any form of truth that we won't be held accountable to it)."

Some of you may disagree and may write me off. That's cool, my friends are less than all of my fingers on both hands anyhow. But what I'm saying is truth and nothing but. America, God has done a lot for us but look at how things have been for us these past 4-6 years. It's been awful because we've done our best to shut His influence down in our lives. Now, we're paying the price. When the branch is cut off from the tree, eventually the fruit it once bore will be no more. A branch can't produce of its own, it's got to be connected to the tree. We are the branches, Jesus Christ is the tree; simple and plain. So let's stop sending Him hate mail. Let's take the time to learn who He wants to be for us and with us. Most importantly, get away from those haters of God; they're charlatans on the strings (dance, monkey, dance) on Satan's time clock.

Til next time, dgwo.

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