Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time To Take Care Of Ourselves

Us American's our addicted to being busy. It's true there are other nations whose people work way more than Americans do. However, our work atmosphere is always busy, chaotic, confusing, and downright stressful. We've got a lot going on and we rarely take the time to sit back and relax. I can say within the past six months, my life has been all these things I've mentioned and more. Just this past Saturday, I had the opportunity for the first time in a month to get my car washed and vacuumed. Just two weeks ago, I finally had the opportunity to thoroughly clean the house, which wasn't cleaned in almost 3 months (oh yeah, it was bad). I won't lie, y'all. It felt like the walls of life had crumbled on top of me and there was no way I was getting out. But I recently found out that I had to pull the plug on some things in life. I had to learn to say no. I had to learn not to show up for every little thing going on around me. I had to learn how to step back and get recharged again. I'm learning now to make sure the fire in my own marriage is still burning bright. For 5 days a week, I push myself to write these blogs just to air out concerns we all are going through. Plus, I got my first haircut within three weeks time this past Saturday. I became addicted to being busy; doing this and doing that. However, I was neglecting taking care of myself. I along with my wife was paying for the foolish mistake of not stepping back and getting a breather. For all those who have to carry various heavy weights of responsibilities, you relate to these symptoms of stress:

  • Frustration
  • Short Temperament
  • Anger
  • Bitterness
  •  Sleeplessness/Restlessness
  • Isolation
  • Loss of Focus/Purpose
  • Feelings of Hopelessness
I won't lie to you all, this is what I've felt for the past 6 months but thank God He showed me; "son, it's time to hit the breaks." I found myself dealing with these things in more ways than one. My prayer life was suffering dramatically. My tolerance for crazy people who were out to hurt my loved ones became less yet my anger growing stronger. I got tired of coming to a job I felt was useless and paid me less than what I felt like I was worth. I felt disconnected from my wife because the closeness we used to have was being severed by responsibilities and the problems of life. Some of you, even some of you who may know me very personally are probably dumfounded that I'm cleaning out my closet. To be honest, I'm not ashamed because I'm not the only one who feels, have felt, or will feel this way. When we don't take care of ourselves, we're on the fast track to destruction. Before we can put on the breaks, it's way too late. When we don't take care of ourselves, we become ineffective as husbands, as wives, as employees, as employers, as pastors, as leaders, as businessmen, and as a friend. Our minds are filled with negativity, our bodies are worn, and our soul is vexed. But one thing comes to mind. Jesus Christ, who is our most perfect example, dealt with these things, too. He dealt with frustration, anger, resentment, isolation, restlessness, and tiredness. However, He resorted Himself to going into a solitary place and praying to God for restoration and renewal. He got away from the craziness and responsibilities of life just for a small time to get Himself together. He prayed for so many people, had to patiently teach His disciples things over and over again. He had to run from people who were out to kill him all the time. He had to deal with Satan always using people to tear Him down. He constantly fought against those mind wars sent His way to discourage Him. He needed time to relax. Why would God do this? How could He have dealt with all this? It's simple, He had to leave us a path to follow when we start to feel the effects of not taking care of ourselves. We've got to know our limits, my friends. We've got to learn how to stop being so busy trying to please people and take care of ourselves. I remember a "love talk" I  saw on YouTube with Stephen Hurd. He talked about this subject and now almost a year later, I see what he was saying. We've care to cater to our needs, learn to rest and relax. Laugh more than we do. Pray more for God to restore us. Get away from the negativity of people, places, and things. Study the Word of God to give us rest for our souls. Go to diner somewhere you like (even if it's Burger King) and break the monotony of the week. Go walking. Get a manicure, your hair did, a pedicure. Go to the mall, get a affordable massage. Chill out. Put some leave time in at the job. That job was there before you got there and probably we'll be right there when you. Those jokers will be alright. The feeling of taking care of yourself will do wonders. So if Jesus took moments when He needed to take care of Himself, who are we not to do the same? Right now, I'm in the mode of taking care of myself because I know me. I'll explode. But now, I'm in relax mode, trusting in God He'll handle my issues, and grab me a cup of sweet iced tea (or free ice water). 

Til next time, learn to relax, take care of yourselves, chill, dgwo.


Matthew 11:28-30
Mark 1:35

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