Friday, August 31, 2012

Press On

This morning I am sitting outside my job, I'm listening to a song called Pressing On by James Hall. Although the music is wonderful I tuned my ears to the words. As they were singing the song, they mentioned every mode of survival to ensure they press on. Pressing on is probably the most tedious and at times loneliness capers of all. There are very few of us who have hat onward soldier mentality. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, no matter the tests, I'm still going to press on. This should be the mind of us but many of us have given up. It's a shame because many of us have great purpose in God. But we let the distractions, regrets, misgivings, and people bring us down. Today, I know what my purpose is and it seems bigger than me. This is the opportunity God has been waiting on to do what He wants to do in me. This same principle goes for each of us. We have to allow God to be God. His life, death, and resurrection shows His determination to finish what was started in Him. This is why Paul refers to Jesus as being the author and finisher of our faith because He is the perfect example of faith unwavering. This is the hour for God to show out in our lives when we give up the ghost (our lives), stop doing things our way, and let Him carry us on this journey called. To be honest, Christianity is the only belief system that makes God tangible, tells us we are born jacked up, gives us principles to live by for a life eternal, exposes the true enemy of our lives, and tells us we are in need of a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Many people are falling away but I'm saying us get up, try again, let God into our lives, and then we will press on.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Philippians 3:12-14
Hebrews 12:1-2

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