For me, today is the closing of one door and the opening of another. I know today that I am changing and shifting to another place in my life. I know that I'm not the only one going through such changes. Change is good and rocks your entire world. Time, money, character, the whole nine yards. This is what ascension is all about. It's not a place where pride should dwell (though it can happen if not careful of ourselves) but where humility and opportunities dwell. It's pressing towards a higher mark and leaving behind things are of no use to us. As I've said in past blogs, we're in a time of change and transition. A lot of us are faced with tough decisions, what to take on, what to go after, and what to leave behind. Today, I have no other choice but to leave behind selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, pornography, anger, bitterness, frustration, doubt, unbelief, temper tantrums, which are the forms of adolescence, not the characteristics of maturity. Maturity is adulthood, not a state of perfection (that is free from making mistakes or having faults) but being complete, thorough, and strong to handle whatever situation we find ourselves in. I remember my dad used to tell me, that we should consider our lives as an airplane. To reach to higher heights in the air, the airplane has to be at a certain weight. If a plane has exceeding weight in its carrier, then that plane can't go to the level of height to reach it's destination. Can you imagine a plane flying low to the ground near a interstate highway because those in charge allowed excess baggage to be carried in its cargo area? A lot of us including myself are carrying too much weight yet we expect to ascend to newer heights in life. Homie, that's not how ascension is designed. It's designed for people who are willing to let go of whatever it is to get to that next level. Ascension is for people who are willing to change whatever it is in their life to move forward. This is why the Bible says that we are to lay aside every weight (distractions whether it is people, places, or things) and every sin (bondage, etc.) that will keep us back from moving forward (Hebrews 12:1). Think about it. Professional athletes can't be the best unless they rid themselves of regimens that will keep them from being champions. The same applies to us, especially to those who profess they have faith in Christ. What I'm sharing is applicable; that's the whole purpose of the Bible. It's not made to control us but to instruct us as well as convict us to be better people pleasing only to God's eyes (I'm saying this to everyone, believing or unbelieving). Today, I truly believe God is doing some miraculous for those who take heed to His word and allows Him to order their steps by His word (Psalms 119:133). He's freeing us from all this mess we've picked up in this journey called life so we can experience the richness of abundant life in Him (John 10:10). This is the purpose Jesus Christ came and died for. It's simple if we would only just believe. So please, take heed to these words from this 31 year old scrawny scruffy faced war-torn yet getting healed day by day dude from Raleigh, North Carolina (go N.C. State Wolfpack). Much luv to everyone.
Til Next Time, dgwo.
Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 119:132-133
Philippians 3:4-14
Hebrews 12:1-2
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