Monday, January 12, 2015

Don't Let People Take Your Manhood

Today's blog is applicable to both men and women but it's geared for the men. Now, what I'm about to say is coming from personal experiences. Some of these experiences I've had are down-right embarrassing but they helped me get my "manhood" back. I remember my dad about 21 years ago told me something that I hold dear to this day. You have to know who you are and be a man. Being a man isn't about how much money you make, the car you drive, the material things. It's about your character, your integrity, and your willingness to stand up for yourself. Never let people punk you no matter what place they hold in society or how many obstacles are against you. It took me a while but I've reached the point where I've become a "dead man." What does this mean? This means to share your opinion, do whatever is in your heart to do to achieve your goals, and to let people know you're not the one to mess with. But some of us haven't reached the "dead man" status yet.... For example:

  • Dudes who are being "ran over" by a controlling, manipulating woman (usually through the promised rewards of food, commitment, and man's favorite dish, sex)
  • An individual being bullied by someone in a position of power to keep them silent about a situation
  • Intimidated by people who actually intimidated by you
  • Being coerced to do something you believe in your heart is wrong

These few situations can "emasculate" us in serious ways and do some serious damage to our mental prowess. For some of us, we'll never recover but the knife of people's actions and words toward us went too deep. That's the God's honest truth. But what do or should we do when people try us? We stand on our two feet, crack our knuckles, and get ready for confrontation. Without confronting folks face to face attempting to tear down our manhood, we lose it. However, when we go to war with these folks, we maintain our manhood. Yeah, actions and words to tear us down will leave some scars but at least your manhood is in tact. The story of Jezebel has been my life's story, dealing with people who resemble that crazy lady in the Bible. Every time I didn't go head to head with these people, I was emasculated. Every time I didn't question folk's malicious motives, every time I didn't guard the keys to my life's success, I was emasculated. I didn't even put a fight and it cost me a lot of time I can't get back (despite what a overused and misquoted passage from the Book of Joel states). But now, my manhood is back and my gun is loaded. I'm not afraid to blast my tool (my words of course) to anyone else who tries to emasculate me again. However, we must know who and what we are no matter how people may look at us. We are not a door mat, we are gifted and beloved people in the eyes of God (no matter our color, culture, or creed). Don't let people walk into the house of your life and tear it down from the inside out. 

Well, I think I'm tapped for tonite. I hope this post helps one person. 

Til next time, my friends, chow......


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Now thats my son David a mighty man of valor Keep shedding the light on these very important issues it is helping all of us to broaden our way of thinking
