Tuesday, October 28, 2014

So, What's Been The Hold Up?

Well, why in the hell did I make this post's name this way, this time around? Well, for good reason. I've been having it hard for the past 3 plus weeks. Work has been almost unbearable. Still getting help and working through depression, anxiety, and anger conditions (thanks to the rampant cultish aspects of Christianity), and just life in general. Nevertheless, all of these noted (and undisclosed aspects of my life) have in various ways, kept me away from the blog scene. This has always been in the case since December 2013, which was a time I gave the verbal FU to the church system (a decision I will never regret). But there's one aspect I'd like tap on I think other blog writers and video bloggers can relate to.  Each of us has a niche. Some it's fashion, cars, technology, pranks (ie- Jack Vale), music reviews, culture, etc. I know my niche is sharing my different experiences and of course condemning the overall church system in the Black/African American community. Sometimes, we catch a lot of flack on our views and perspective takes on the topics we cover. I know within the past 10 months, I've caught a lot of flack. Sometimes, I don't care and other times, I get my cage rattled. Sometimes, some of may feel, man, I just keep talking about the same stuff over and over again. Sometimes, we may receive comments from people who say, "can't you talk about something else? Why are you being so critical other such and such? Or, the get over already in more ways than one talk." I can't speak for everyone else but these things really hold me up from writing blogs, especially about certain things that I really important to me I want to share with others. So, I 'm going to try my best step by step, day by day to post blogs. Hopefully in the future, I'd like to do video blogs, mostly to cover the mess that's going on in American cults that call themselves churches (not all of them, just most of them). There are so many topics that I'd like to discuss and yes, they're going to offend some people but hey, we live in a country that gives us the right of freedom of speech. Plus, writing blogs are therapeutic for me, a way to turn the negative energy within me into positive energy. We all need an outlet, right? Well, this is one of mine and I'm going to actively use is it for purpose. Hopefully, my friends, this post will reignite passion for something you know you're good at but have allow "life" get hold you up. I know the feeling and I'm here with you.

Well, that's all I have for tonite but stay tuned, more thoughts are sure to come.

Til next time, Recovering "Life" Addict Overton......

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