Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Breaking The Code of Silence

It's funny how things you learn from your teachers in high school come back into your life again. That's what has happened to me over the course of few days. Reading the news, watching YouTube, reading books (currently I'm finishing up Jay-Z's Decoded), and doing a lot of thinking. It's true that I think a lot and it may be "the death of me" (meaning, modes of meditation consume me). However, I do believe that it helps me become a bit more open minded than the days past. Lately, I've been "ranting" about a few issues (now resolved, thank God) dealing with people and their ways. I think during the formidable years of my adulthood, which includes time in the Army, and time in a religion, I was "indoctrinated" to not say anything. If you have mental, professional, and/or other medical problems,  we would hear things like, "don't use sick call to get out PT", or "whatever you say about the unit will get back to the unit." Of course, one of the biggest fallacies I've heard within the past 10 or 11 years are, "don't say anything bad about God's people", "don't touch God's anointed (meaning hireling pastors)", and another favorite, "saints aren't perfect." Where in the hell is David going with this? I think in certain instances and places in American society, we are "indoctrinated" to keep quiet about certain things that are going on. Within the past 50 years, we've seen cover-ups exposed from the true nature of the Vietnam War (i.e. - Operation Deepthroat), the ongoing Gulf War, Enron scandal, the financial meltdown of 2007-2008 (recession), the Department of Education (the No Child Left Behind Act), the Drug Trade (how the government allowed the flood of cocaine/crack/heroin into the lower class Black community), and the Christian Charismatic Movement (that has allowed "spiritual leaders" to rob, steal, lie, and plunder the lives of people who are genuine in their faith in God, i.e. -Peter Popoff, Benny Hinn, etc.). Each of these are very pivotal shifts in our society and people who got tired of the people (We The People, us, according to the Preamble written by our forefathers) abusing us. We've been told to keep quiet or else "they" will expose our weakness, proclivities, and past run-ins with foolishness to the public. Some have experienced people calling them and threatening to "shut up" or else (usually threats to harm their families, especially when someone "big" is about to face hard time). People are threatened and even ostracized (excommunicated) for asking questions or speaking on issues that people need to know. I think that hip-hop, blues,  grass roots and rock-n-roll have been the modern day Platos, Aristotles, and Martin Luthers for the past and present generations of the latter 20th/early 21st centuries. When us regular folks who didn't have a voice or our voice wasn't heard in our local communities, these artist risked character and career assassinations to speak their mind. People like Bob Dylan, Lenny Kravitz, Travis Tritt, The Rolling Stones, and Nas have made cultural impact that have shed light on a few matters I've mentioned in their perspective musical field. So where am I going with this? I believe now more than ever, it's time to break the code of silence on what we know that is wrong. Of course, we must understand the right time and place to "leak information" but when it's time, "cry aloud and spare not..." If there are irregularities happening on the job that needs to be addressed, go to the "right" people and address them, no matter how they try to threaten your job security (for we have constitutional rights, never forget that). If you've been raped or sexually assaulted by someone in your family, a friend, or a neighbor, don't sit there corroding from the inside out due to anger, rage, and bitterness, report them and see it all the way to their impending jail sentence (it's a known fact when people aren't reported, these "predators" will do it again). If a teacher at your school is grading school assignments, even marking your absent on days you were present, and try to flunk you, don't just sit there and let them mess up your GPA. Let your counselors, hell, even the dean of the school know what's going on (and if they don't do anything, there's nothing wrong with going to the Internet media to expose them). If you a religious follower who's been messed over by a mosque, church, or place of worship gathering by people (most of the time it's leaders) because there are unethical practices with time, money, and talents going on (usually founded on manipulation and coercion), expose them through blogs, Vlogs, etc. (we have something those before us never had to expose these people, i.e. - technology). If someone in your hood is murdering people, shun the "Stop Snitching" doctrine and let the authorities know who's doing what (because if they continue being protected by this doctrine, they will kill again). Now, I warn you that you may receive some backlash from "blowing the whistle" but the important is that the truth gets out for the world to see. Yeah, you'll also feel a bit discouraged if people don't adhere to what you're telling and looked like a crazy person. People want to believe what they want to believe despite the irrefutable evidence at their doorstep. It's just a catch 22 world. As the old saying goes, "bad things will continue to happen when good men do nothing." That's a true statement. I can tell you all right now, I'm breaking my code of silence (as some of you can tell from my 6 plus month tear in my blog posts) and if people call me crazy, that's fine (because I know I am). When you hide the truth of what's going on in your surroundings, it will eat you alive because you'll see others' lives being negatively affected by these people we haven't outed. If Jesus did, why aren't we? Did he sit back, pray about it, and say nothing? Did Frederick Douglas just enjoy his freedom and live his own people still in chains without a voice against slavery? Think about it. Did Pussy Riot sit back and watch the Russian government do whatever without voice their opinions? Think about it. God has given us a mouth, hands, eyes, ears, and a brain to use not only for our personal advancement but to help each other. How do we help each other in the times we're living when devil in human form seem to be out of control? We break our code of silence.

Til Next Time, MC Crazy Dave.....

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