"Oh you injuring, yeah, you're injured, huh?
Hurt people hurt people, that's what I've heard."
Wow. Isn't this the truth?!
He made a point here and after 4 years of listening to that verse over and over again and going through my personal experiences, I know it true. There are a lot of hurt people in our (USA) society today. People inflict hurt on others because someone else did it to them.
- Someone sexually abused will one day become the sexual abuser
- Someone who's been bullied will one day bully others
- Someone who's been physically abused their parents, spouses, etc., will one day physically abuse others
- Someone who's been emotionally/mentally abused will abuse others
- Someone's who's been financially ripped off will financially rip off others
- Someone spiritually abused will one day spiritually stagnate others.
- Someone verbally abused will one day crush another's spirit with their words.
And the list goes on....(sorry, no statistical information but feel free to do research on these topics, it's worth the look)
I believe that when we as a people don't deal with the issues of hurt, they fester in our very being (mind, will, and emotions). They systematically take over us and without thought become "first nature", meaning we hurt others at will. Men sexually abuse boys because the same has been done to them (more than just the Catholic Church but also occurs in various races and cultures). People who've been "conned" out of large amounts of money through manipulation or "raw deals" learn the same arts when they're done and out; thereby do the same to others. I've seen (literally) single parent mothers get with dudes that abused them (a lot of times in front of their kids) and then abuse their kids in various ways. The kids themselves become abusive to others because of the environment they were caged in (very prevalent in the 80s). In various religious sects (Islam, Christianity, Jehovah's Witness, Hinduism), lay workers and leaders who've been spiritually abused tend to do the same to others and many other abuses I've mentioned earlier in this blog. It's a shame and an issue that many people in our society tend to condone. I've experienced each of these items within my own life and fell victim to becoming an abuser in certain points of my life. I'm not proud of it at all because I became a facilitator of a never-ending cycle by inserting abusive practices into other peoples' lives. It's a sad cycle man and each of us have a responsibility to stop it (that's if we choose to). It's a "silent epidemic" that we tend not to focus on or really don't think about. Let's take an introspection of our past and present lives. Are we the people who've been hurt and have hurt other people? Are we the abused that now abuse others? Are we conscience of what we've experienced and what we're doing? These are the questions I'm asking myself on a dreary and uneventful day in Central Texas (which is also going through a cycle - i.e. the recent Fort Hood shootings, etc.). Think about it, my friends. Are we going to continue the cycle of various abuses by becoming abusers ourselves? Or, are we going to wake up, smell the coffee brewing at the kitchen table, make the choice to stop the cycle of abuse? Hmm... maybe I should make a song about this.....
Til next time........
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