Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hurt People Hurt People: That's What I've Heard

One of my favorite albums of all time, "The Struggle" by rapper J. Johnson has a song called "Murder Instruments." I believe in the second verse of the song, he has a part in it that says this:

"Oh you injuring, yeah, you're injured, huh?
 Hurt people hurt people, that's what I've heard."

Wow. Isn't this the truth?!

He made a point here and after 4 years of listening to that verse over and over again and going through my personal experiences, I know it true. There are a lot of hurt people in our (USA) society today. People inflict hurt on others because someone else did it to them.

  • Someone sexually abused will one day become the sexual abuser
  • Someone who's been bullied will one day bully others
  • Someone who's been physically abused their parents, spouses, etc., will one day physically abuse others
  • Someone who's been emotionally/mentally abused will abuse others
  • Someone's who's been financially ripped off will financially rip off others
  • Someone spiritually abused will one day spiritually stagnate others.
  • Someone verbally abused will one day crush another's spirit with their words.
And the list goes on....(sorry, no statistical information but feel free to do research on these topics, it's worth the look)

I believe that when we as a people don't deal with the issues of hurt, they fester in our very being (mind, will, and emotions). They systematically take over us and without thought become "first nature", meaning we hurt others at will. Men sexually abuse boys because the same has been done to them (more than just the Catholic Church but also occurs in various races and cultures). People who've been "conned" out of large amounts of money through manipulation or "raw deals" learn the same arts when they're done and out; thereby do the same to others. I've seen (literally) single parent mothers get with dudes that abused them (a lot of times in front of their kids) and then abuse their kids in various ways. The kids themselves become abusive to others because of the environment they were caged in (very prevalent in the 80s). In various religious sects (Islam, Christianity, Jehovah's Witness, Hinduism), lay workers and leaders who've been spiritually abused tend to do the same to others and many other abuses I've mentioned earlier in this blog. It's a shame and an issue that many people in our society tend to condone. I've experienced each of these items within my own life and fell victim to becoming an abuser in certain points of my life. I'm not proud of it at all because I became a facilitator of a never-ending cycle by inserting abusive practices into other peoples' lives. It's a sad cycle man and each of us have a responsibility to stop it (that's if we choose to). It's a "silent epidemic" that we tend not to focus on or really don't think about. Let's take an introspection of our past and present lives. Are we the people who've been hurt and have hurt other people? Are we the abused that now abuse others? Are we conscience of what we've experienced and what we're doing? These are the questions I'm asking myself on a dreary and uneventful day in Central Texas (which is also going through a cycle - i.e. the recent Fort Hood shootings, etc.). Think about it, my friends. Are we going to continue the cycle of various abuses by becoming abusers ourselves? Or, are we going to wake up, smell the coffee brewing at the kitchen table, make the choice to stop the cycle of abuse? Hmm... maybe I should make a song about this.....

Til next time........

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Why The Black Church Is Nothing But A Failure

As you can tell from the title of this post (which I've struggling whether or not to write for months now), it's aggressive. From my own vantage point, personal experiences, and hearing of others' experiences, this is the conclusion I've come up with. Of course, not every predominant black church is a failure. There are those (very) few churches that's doing what God wants them to do, feed and clothe the homeless, take care of the widows and orphans, building up people's self-esteem, giving clear instructions, helping build people's skills for the workforce and in life, addressing social issues that need to be addressed, etc. (you get my point). However, there are many black churches (as well as any perspective predominant racial church) that are doing what God hates and harbors. Collecting tithes and offerings for the sake of building more illustrious buildings, paychecks for false preachers (which tithes and offerings are there to help those who need financial support, food, etc.), holding conferences to appease the egos of self-proclaimed "prophets", weekly emotional preaching, just tooooooo-loud singing (and wasting the flock's offering to buy a new sound system every year, that's if the pastor didn't take your money first to buy that new truck), running around the church like a crazy person in a "water-house", and rolling on the floor after the preacher-man lays hands on you (looking like an idiot), etc. (you know the rest). The majority of the predominant black church is useless, irrelevant, selfish, conniving, and without integrity/honesty, similar to the NAACP (which is nothing more than a cash-cow for its employees). The last time I've seen the predominant black church in motion was watching the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s', 1960s', and 1980s' (just like the NAACP). After the rise of the "charismatic movement" in the 1980s' hit the United States (and maybe even abroad), sensationalism of "speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance", choirs (and choir battles, don't act like you don't remember), conferences, church television programming (BET, TBN, etc.), altar calls, gospel music (but dissed hip-hop due to "the devil's music theory", no wonder you've lost 3 or maybe even 4 generations of potential Christians), eloquent preaching (deep revelations, Greek, Hebrew, etc.), mega-churches, and zillions of local churches sprouted like weeds in the Spring time. This movement really reached its climax in the 1990s and in the early 2000s' but things started to unravel. Eddie Long manipulating and sleeping with teenage boys (to name a few indiscretions he's done). Clarence McClendon sleeping with women like there's no tomorrow and pimping his congregation for money. Juanita Bynum holding conferences and selling t-shirts telling "church addicts" (or institutionalized Christians), "buy my t-shirts and you'll receive a special anointing." Other big name preachers fleecing the flock with the tithes and offerings (Malachi 3 and Proverbs 3 10% theory) mis-quotes/misinterpretations as they buy more jets, build more wealth, while the people can't pay their bills or save up for their children's college fund. Gospel music becomes the clone world with just about every record sounding the same, saying nothing, and garner hits through biting from white Christian artists (but only sing the bridges instead of the verses, wow, and can't write a good song even if Stevie Wonder tried to help them). More mega-churches and pseudo ministries using the words and phrases like "Pentecostal, Apostolic, PAW, AME, COGIC, etc."to bait the fish to the hooks they're playing. Instead of spending time to reach the lost and promote justice/truth in the USA, now prayer/pastoral/department/ministerial meetings are more about making money, keeping ministries held within 4 walls, getting more anointing to bolster on Sunday, and to create ways to become better than the next church. Hell, look at the men in the African American community, we love God but hate church because there's no truth! Look at the break down of the black family, more single mothers, single women outweigh the number of men in the black church. Why is that? Unless the men are willing to turn into a religious bigot, they shun religion and stay away from church. Why is that? Why is that the youth hate church just as much if not more than the men do? Sunday and Wednesday (for some of you, everyday of the week, and why do you do this) services are nothing more than 4-6 or more hours of emotionalisms, judgment of those gossiping about, worship songs (that fuel a "supernatural high" but God isn't there at all), and false doctrines by narcissistic leaders saying whatever to keep "their people" in line. But where's the change in the black communities? Let's see here, places like Newark, B-more, Watts, Cincinnati, N.O., Killeen (which by the way has about 2 billion churches), and Chicago (the Vietnam of America). These places have high unemployment rates, murder rates, drug charges, domestic violence, high school dropouts, and gang activity (just look it up for your research, I could be wrong). My question is, where is the black church? Why aren't the majority of predominant black churches shutting down their "country club" meetings (like Tonex said) on Wednesdays and Sundays to feed the homeless, work with other ministries in their cities to mentor kids failing in schools, or advocating against sexual molestation? Why are predominant black churches be-friending those who are struggling with homosexuality, drugs, gang activity, beating on their kids/spouses, but spend more time judging them? Why are predominant black churches defaming people who are openly expressing concerns about their operations that are to many business analysts/professors, unethical and obviously morally wrong (in whatever spectrum you can think of)? Why are predominant black churches more concerned about themselves, their mission, their vision, their ministries, than the people they are suppose to reach with love then truth? I'll tell you why....as Jesus said, "their real father is the devil and the truth's not in them." Me, I'm no longer affiliated with the black church and as a former elder, co-conspirator, and enabler of this "wicked entertainment" called black church (and some of you white, etc. churches, too, I haven't forgotten you), I can say with full confidence. If God was in your churches, you would be making a difference, "showing compassion and pulling people out of various fires" they don't see. You'd be using your air time on BET and Oxygen to show what Christians were informed to do in the world instead of singing for a contract (that's worse than one will get the secular industry), and showing lavish lifestyles of pimps. But you are nothing but a weak, powerless, hypocritical, charismatic, delusional, greedy, selfish, manipulative, predatory, ungodly, "illuminati-like", new world order-like system that Christ hates to the uttermost (as well myself and the rest of the world that knows about you). Just as the NAACP, you are worthless and as Christ said, "when salt has lost its seasoning, its' good for nothing, and men walk all over it." Ya heard?! Some of you may ask, "David, why don't you do something about?" Well, my friends, I am, it's called #1. in the Scientific Method, "Identify The Problem." Without identifying the problem, there is no way to create a solution. Another solution, it's time to go back and really look at Jesus' life, stop with all the 3rd heaven revelational bull---- and get the principles, which the "secular world" is more successful in doing than the predominant church (except pimpin' of course, haha). It's time for humility. Time for truth. Most importantly, sit your "righteous-selves" down and learn the incredible gifts of reason, mindfulness, and common sense (hello, somebody). If I've ruffled your feathers, good. If I've came off angry, good. If I've pissed you off, that's great (that's what us Williams-Overtons-Royals do, baby!). Well, I think I'm done now. I hope these words hits just one person and when the truth hits one, the truth will spread and snatch people out of the "fantasy world" that exists in the predominant black church. To the black church, you're nothing but an epic failure. In the military, we used to say a "SNA-U." Look at the world around you, look at the local community you're supposed to reach but not reaching at all,  and look at what's happening within your own churches (rape, financial impropriety, lies, affairs, etc.). It's the truth. It's time to admit it.

Til next time, "Disco-Disaster" Dave (with the disco ball spinning around my head like a halo)....

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Breaking Away From Emotionally Abusive Relationships

I'm seeing emotionally abusive relationships more common than ever before. Growing up in the 80s, it was more secretive behind closed doors, you know? I think after the crack game in '88 hit, that's when things started to unravel in front of my eyes. Fast forward to the '90s, people are becoming more outspoken on home they feel and what they do to people. Hip hop at the time was very revolutionary and cutting, which I believe opened a lot of doors to the phrase, "freedom of expression." Fast forward to present day America, emotional abuse is peaking at an all time high in just about every facet of life. Emotional abuse is done right in front of our faces but through deception isn't seen "recognizable." So my question is, what is emotional abuse?

"Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased." -

As I was driving down I35 from Wac(k)o Texas, I began to do some retrospection of my life and wow, some of things I've experienced were pretty mentally scarring. I remember Ms. Radford, my 4th grade English teacher used to criticize me a lot. She had something against us "colored" kids because most of us if not all of us were gifted. She didn't like that and through isolated and small incidents, she tried to mentally pick up apart. I remember one time she up and said to me, "You'll never amount to nothing." Wow, didn't that hurt and then created an emotion I'm still dealing with everyday called rage. I was already emotionally abused from kids in the 2nd and 3rd grade from being called a punk, a weirdo, small, and extremely skinny. So this comment only reinforced what I was originally told by some obnoxious kids. As the years go on, different "sociopath" people in my life would say certain things to help bring my self-esteem lower and lower (mostly because I had no emotional backbone). But things began to change when I was 32 and some months old. I got tired of allowing emotionally abusive relationships in my life. I began fighting back and through much knowledge I acquired from school, current job, my wife, and my "real" friends, the break-off began. I began to speak up for myself and walk with my head up high. I began to voice my opinions and cared less what other people were thinking. I began to see people for who they really are, weak, pathetic, unhappy, miserable, jealous, envious, and with low self-esteem. I refused to go to their party was somberly invited to. Ha. All the criticism that were shot at me out of their fear of my greatness rather than helping me to become a better man; cancelled. Each time I allowed blind people to lead me blindly into a ditch; overturned. Each word of hatred spewed from their mouth to destroy my mental capacity to do what's right for me and my family; shut down. I learned the best way to break away from emotionally abusive relationships is to stand on my two feet in full confidence in who, who, how, and why I am David G.W. Overton. I'm no joke and will not be someone else's emotional punch bag. Neither should you. Don't take some one's emotional abuse any longer. Fight back with your positive attitude, with your experiences, and with your knowledge of how life really works. When those people try to subtly bring you down, pipe bomb them with the quickness and without regret. My friends, you are somebody and these n----- that are trying to emotionally abuse you ain't worth the poop from the dirtiest pig on earth. Don't let your emotional attachments to people bring you down in their slop, too. Now is not the time to stick with emotionally abusive relationships, it's time to shred them up completely. I don't care if it's your siblings, your uncle, your aunt, your supervisor, your priest, your pastor, or the President of the United States! Ya heard?!

Til next time, Emotionally Abuser Free Overton.....




Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You Gots To Chill

All those who grew up listening to the 80s rap know where I got the title for this blog from, Erick & Parrish Making Dollars ('circa 87). Good times, huh? I'll admit, today, I felt a bit anxious and bugged out today. I had to take a day off from work for some medical appointments. I was playing on going to Starbucks to work on "a book" and read about what's going on in Nigeria. I changed my mind, picked up and quick bite, came home, and watched Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 on Netflix (finally!). After my wife got home from her medical appointment, I was panicking a bit. Sometimes, my mind is going a thousand miles per minute and I started to feel like my life isn't going anywhere. Mrs. Overton stopped the movie and started to run down some of the accomplishments I've made within the past few months. Achieving a promotion to GS-9, finishing the Masters' B.A. program, saving money, becoming free from abusive relationship, and a few other things. Then she says, okay, let's go somewhere downtown, grab a quick bite, walk around somewhere, and come back home. After all that today, I open the Macbook, log into Blogger.com, and fire away my introspective lesson for today. You Gots to Chill. We live in a society where we are indoctrinated and ingrained to always find ourselves doing something productive with our time. Plan a new business, work on music, calling family and friends, or clean the house. Now, these are important things we should do or aspire to do in our lives but there are times when we just need to kick back; relax. I'll admit that I'm an A-typical guy who's used to always doing something. It's an old habit passed down into my thinking from the Army and from a former belief system I used to be gung-ho for. Since then, I'm adapting to living a more stress free, laid back, honest, and chilled out lifestyle. I'm learning that I need to enjoy everyday like it's my last. At my current job, it's a mad rush and many days I'm drained. Today, I learned to take this time off from work and just relax. Enjoy the breeze of the wind on my short dreadlocks. Talk with my wife about life and our aspirations for ourselves and our marriage. Walking through a trail enjoying the beautiful nature God has given. Hell, enjoy the clean air Temple, TX has to offer (too bad those living in Killeen don't have the same luxury, the air in that city sucks). Just chilling and enjoying my life. Now, my conscience and clear and my body is relaxed. Although I don't want to go to work tomorrow, at least I've had a day off to get some breathing room until Friday afternoon comes  (I can't wait). So what is this soon to be 33 year old snot-nosed dude from Raleigh, NC talking about?  Take the time out to chill. Write in a journal. Go to a local coffee shop in your area (if you have one) and listen to some Tony Bennett, Reuben Wilson, or Herbie Hancock. Hell, take a walk around your neighborhood or stay home and catch up on some TV shows you've been missing. Pray and meditate on your life if needed. Just get out of the heat of the night and into the cool of the day. Relax, get comfortable like Eugene Wilde (a great song by the composer by the way), and chill. Alright? You hear me out there? Okay then....

Til next time, "Chillmaster Davy-Dave"


EPMD: You Gots To Chill  

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Question of Armor Bearing, Is It Right?

I was listening to a radio interview over the Internet (pimppreacher.com) and the discussion was about the "office of an armor bearer." As I got into the first 15-20 minutes of it, all I could do was shake my head. To give you guys a back story of my former "ministry" days, I was an armor bearer for a "small-time" ministry church that was into the "big-time" church image for over 7 years. When I look back those wasteful years in this position, it's a bit embarrassing. If you take time to read Judges and 1st Samuel in the Bible, this position is mentioned in a few areas. We mostly see this title used for King Saul and Jonathan. The famous king (and pimp) David was King Saul's armor bearer until spears and accusations were being thrown at him. Through years of screw ups, living the real "trife life", and doing dirty things in the name of himself, the Philistines, Israel's famed enemy, killed Saul's sons and basically had him surrounded. After facing the truth of his demise, he asks his "armor bearer" to kill him so he wouldn't face torture from the Philistines (like a b----). The armor bearer said nope so Saul committed suicide and looking at the fate of his "master", he went out the same way. There's a book by a famed armor bearer by Terry Nance called, "God's Armor bearer." My first experience with this book (after making some copies of it), I immersed myself in this indoctrination of this:

For the vision, purpose, dreams, opportunities, and goals for my own life and family must "die" to ensure the promotion and success of my pastor.

Another principle I definitely don't agree with is having "the spirit of the pastor." If you're a "Christian" shouldn't you only be concerned with having the spirit of Christ? So what do I do if my pastor is emotional, a liar, a cheater, a robber, prideful, a "tambourine player" (hahaha), a robber, a philanderer, etc.? What then? Think about it.

Now, after reading these statements, the average American would be like, "what the hell?" Well, this is what I'm saying. For 7 years, my friends, I took hold of various perspectives this book talked about but later I see that 99.9% of it is wrong and a blatant twist of God's intent about "ministry." For years, I allowed myself to get used and abused, washing my former "spiritual leaders" (pastors) cars, dress like 'em, talk like them, preach like them, teach like them, think like them, act like them, and the list goes on. Carrying their bibles when they were about to preach with a clean sweat rag, and a bottled water. Carrying their things to and from their office when they arrived to and from the church (Alcatraz). Building new "ministries" within their pathetic and fledgling church like audio (with the assistance of others), music (with the assistance of others), websites, Facebook, and various other methods/ideas. Hell, it even got so bad I was washing their cars, taking off of work, etc. because I allowed myself to become indoctrinated in a system of abuse. Basically, my life was all about them and not about God until 2013 (when I came back from B-more), the light switch came on. I was mentally, emotionally, and spiritual emasculated, a man without his own identity or country. But that's when I got me back and rebelled. I learned that these things they learned in this same position they used to be in was the same crap I allowed them to feed me. When I began seeing them "fall like the stars of heaven", that's when I knew this armor bearer thing is nothing but effeminate-like, subservient, slavery-like position no man or woman should ever accept. Some or many who may read this may be in the same position I used to be in may feel a bit offended. That's what the truth does. My questions are these:

Why should you carry your pastor's bible, don't they have two hands? Can't they carry their own?

Their making payments on the car, so why can't they get their lazy butt up and wash their own car?

Why do they need someone to "cover" them when they're laying hands on folks? Where's your armor bearer when you're praying for someone you meet on the street?

Why should you give up your dreams, goals, and job opportunities to stay in the same place for years doing the same old thing like good and obedient lil' servant to a pastor's over the top vision?

If this is you, you're caught up in religion and a religious-exalting position that brings your life to a permanent halt and the person or people you're "serving" are getting all the rewards. Think about. I could go on and on but I'll leave you with some references to see where I'm coming from and a bugged out video from a bugged out preacher man who's been snorting some heavy doses of religious crack cocaine (more potent than what you'll find in Southeast DC). You may agree or disagree, cool. Do your research but if you're feeling what I felt, it's time for you to be like Abraham and run for the border.

Til Next Time, You know the name


http://youtu.be/mJVV1huRN3M  (A hot messsss by the way, you'll see)


http://pimppreacher.com/CFR%20Radio  (choose number 69)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Silent Enablers

 I recently spent three days reading a blog post to sort of figure out what my wife and I experienced at a "particular organization" and throughout our personal lives. Boom, the answers I was looking for were answered. I believe that more and more, abusive environment are growing right in our faces but from our perspectives, it's unnoticeable. There are present in our families (domestic and extended), our jobs (I know it's happen where I'm at, increased production levels but no increase in pay, I'm just saying), our educational systems (teachers unwillingly to "bend" for the sake of helping students but "break" their spirit to finish their education), our government (need I say more), and our religious affiliations (abusive leaders, faiths, and belief systems). A couple of days ago, I wrote a blog about "How To Deal With A Sociopath" and my purpose for reading that blog was to sort of set a foundation. The foundation is that more and more sociopaths aren't always serial killers, but are everyday people like you and me finding ways to attain positions of power to influence or determine the lives of others. The different aspects of our everyday life mentioned a couple of sentences earlier, these sociopaths have successfully gained positions of "authority." People without accountability, moral standards, remorse, principles, but are filled with selfishness, manipulation, coercion, and control. Within these systems they have built overtime in the hearts, minds, souls, and spirits of people are four types:

1. victims
2. outcasts
3. enablers
4. co-conspirators

I will provide a link at the end of this post where the writer will provide more information on each of these positions.

The position I want to discuss is the enabler position, which I believe many of us are and don't even realize it. Enablers are those who look up to these "sociopathic" individuals. Maybe these SPs (sociopaths) did something that "saved" their lives or showed an act of "kindness." Maybe these SPs have attained great "success" in their field(s) of occupation. These SPs are "pious", "deep", and have various educational accolades in their lifetime. Most SPs I know personally are very charismatic, eloquent, very emotional, and crafty with their words. However, these people have only one goal in mind, to "eat, sleep, conquer, repeat" their objectives over every bleeding and weak human soul they "touch." These people are now conditioned in various belief systems, ways, methods, lifestyles, modes of thinking, and relationships created by these SPs. Now, these SPs have created a vision of themselves in these people as those who can "do no wrong" and cannot be questioned for anything they do. Wow. They can kill people over selfish reasons and people will still call them "good people" (i.e. - Charlie Manson). These SPs can literally rape people of their life's savings and "abuse" fatherless young men, pay a settlement and people will still follow their "teachings" (i.e.- "Bishop" Eddie Long). These SPs have allowed laws to "illegally" oversee that communications of the average American (i.e. - The Bush Administration). I can go on and on but throughout all these different situations generated by these SPs, there are enablers sitting there and allowing these things to happen. They allow these SPs to destroy the lives of innocent, hardworking, just-worthy people, financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally (I keep saying these don't I lately?). They allow SPs to lie to people in their face, disclose very personal information the unknowing party or parties need to know. SPs are allowed to set themselves up as "gods" without a God or man to judge and penalize them. Enablers are now the unlimited source of the SPs power. A wife being physically or sexually abused by her husband enables this as long as she "loves" him, prays for him, and keeps her mouth shut. A congregation can continue to "Pope Alexander VI" people and use their hard earned money to buy new cars, houses, and material things and sexually/emotionally abuse people without questioning them. Students can continue to allow unethical teachers and board members to wrongfully fail them as long as they say, "oh well, it is what it is." The American public can continue allow the government to keep people homeless, cut benefit programs, and spend our Social Security money (hello) from the fear of "prosecution." As workers, we can allow the upper echelon of our employers to create unethical practices (which unions allow due to exploiting workers and gaining ground on their own "interests") and say, "oh well, I've got a job, why should I rock the boat?). What I'm saying is this, my friends, most of us (including myself, which I've "recently" vacated) are "silent enablers." We keep our mouths closed, look away from various forms and levels of injustice, and continue to live our lives like these SPs aren't doing anything to make the lives of the commonwealth "harder." You may also think that your presence being in these different places of abuse will change the SPs mind. Not. SPs will only get worse and hide their true nature until the day they die (i.e. - they won't change, remember King Saul?). My encouragement to you is this, make the decision to stop being a silent enabler and become a whistle blower. Share with others information you know and be ready to be "rejected of many." At least you've freed yourself and your conscience of the information you know. If you can help open the eyes of one, then you're doing a great job, just don't be another one solidifying the powers of SPs.

Til next time, my friends, "I Got A Letter From The Government The Other Day" Dave.....



Good stuff.....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

How To Deal With A Sociopath

Movies like American Psycho, Mommie Dearest, Silence of the Lambs, and Wolf on Wall Street have one thing in common, the main antagonists of these movies are sociopaths. What is a sociopath?

someone who behaves in a dangerous or violent way towards other people and does not feel guilty about such behavior

My friends, we have a lot of sociopaths in our very midst and they are more sinister than Dick Cheney (remember when he shot his buddy on a hunting trip and the incident was swept under the rug?). Sociopaths come in all shapes, sizes, cultures, races, class status, and creed. These people do not know the meaning of fidelity, truth, love, consideration, which are some of the many things mankind should honor in handling another person's life. Howbeit, sociopaths are unaccountable and are doing a great job in destroying lives financially, spiritually, emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically. They have no remorse for the wrong they do to others and some I know or have known personally enjoy what they do. They do what they do and never pay for their actions. They like hurting people and lying others, i.e. their employees, friends, family, congregations, or nation and make the other parties on the receiving end look like criminals. I know this for myself and man they are good at it. They will even use "the truth" to justify their actions towards other people through laws, traditions, or religious literature. They care less about the misappropriation of the truth to fulfill their insatiable lusts for carnage. People wooed by their aura are weak, afraid, blinded, lacking wisdom, and gullible to what they are doing to them thinking it's for the good of their destiny. However, there are some of us who would rather die on our feet than live on our knees to fellatio their ego. We're like the old school rock song, "we're not going to take it." We stand even by ourselves to confront these seemingly soulless rebels in need of a "reality check." Some solutions I'm about to share with you all may or may not work for you. They're sort of war-like but when dealing with sociopaths, it's wartime.

  • You've got to be firm in your convictions and stand strong on them
  • Don't let their synopsis of your past, failures, or weaknesses quiet your empowerment to confront them
  • Get straight in their face (with the truth) and don't withhold nothing
  • Let them know what time it is and that they have no right to do bad things to you or anyone else
  • Don't let their presence put fear in your heart to deter you from bringing them down some notches
  • Record your conversation and if need be to show people who they really are, put it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. (when the community knows, that person is going to catch it wherever they go, just like the old schools used to do with disruptive kids in the hood, haha)
  • Bring the truth in a way that those people won't be able to sleep at night (that's right, hit 'em to their very core)
I could go on and on but there are more ways to deal with these ignorant fools. Hopefully, people from the streets don't get a hold of them, first (i.e.- like Prodigy from Mobb Deep, who doesn't believe in "headlocks but a head shot"). 

To be honest guys, I hate the actions of sociopaths and I don't mind giving them the business. It's my pleasure to do so. My friends, when they try you, don't hesitate, you need to give them the business, too. Nobody, and I mean nobody is above correction. 

Til next time, "The Sociopath Mind Killer".....