I recently came across this phrase in my current and last class for my MBA program. As I was taking an examination, I was reviewing a chapter in the Leadership in Organization book that talked about the different forms of leadership. Autocratic leadership, servant-leader leadership, and charismatic leadership; however, I won't discuss all three, just one. What is charismatic leadership? Well, we first need to break down the root word charisma.
Charisma - a special charm or appeal that causes people to feel attracted and excited by someone, a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure, a special magnetic charm or appeal.
We see these and many more have what Babyface said "...that whip appeal." They know how to draw attention to themselves. They know what to say, how to say, when to say it, and why. It's like they have magnetic powers to literally get away with any under the sun. As Rakim said, they know how to "...move the crowd." In American society, we see this in politicians, preachers, writers, rappers, and teachers. Examples are people like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Steve Jobs. Some are the good guys who look to better the interests of the commonwealth (everyone) without bias, guile, or false intentions. However, there are some who look to better the interests of themselves through lies, deception, and cruel intentions. Examples are people like Jim Jones, President Andrew Jackson, and Pope Alexander VI. People given the gifts of charismatic leadership have the ability to influence and change the lives of all those they contact. This can be good or bad. The good is that people learn from their mistakes, new ways of doing things, and enlightened about this thing called life. Good charismatic leadership takes the time to listen to others opinions, concerns, advice, and at times correction (no matter what education, title, lifestyle, race, gender, or social class). However, the bad is that people learn bad habits, destructive lifestyles, and their minds clouded in delusion. Bad charismatic leadership derides, scolds, and puts down any one who comes to them in confidence to share information and/or thoughts to help better a situation or process. Good charismatic leaders produce what is ethical and legal behavior such as fiscal responsibility, admitting to mistakes made, and foster relationships. Bad charismatic leadership produces unethical and illegal behavior such as financial impropriety, prideful, and manipulates relationships to benefit their image. Both sides are outspoken and appealing but one side can destroy an entire population. Right now, I believe there is an unseen balance of both type of charismatic leadership in the world; although it seems the bad side is getting away with murder these days. However, it's good that learn both sides so we will know when and when not to support bad charismatic leadership. Good charismatic leadership will mentor you into a life of fulfillment, growth, and personal health (Steve Jobs with Apple). Bad charismatic leadership will lead you into an abyss of nothingness, stagnation, and personal failure (Jim Jones and People's Temple).
Til next time, dgwo......
Great observation and nothing but the truth..Id like to see these thoughts put in a book The body needs exposure to such writings