Thursday, February 14, 2013


Manipulation: 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner
2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully
b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage
3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose

I think this is becoming more prevalent as the days go by in our society. I was just driving down the road and bam, the word manipulation gets into my head. This skill is used primarily to hide the track of a person's real agenda. A little while ago, I was talking about intentions. Well, I guess this is part two. Manipulation is a common skill used in warfare strategy to get the upper hand of one's enemies. We see the movies where a beautiful woman entertains a king, seduces him, and when opportunity knocks, they take his life. Nowadays, for certain people to get ahead in life, they play on the love and emotions of people. Some people use money or investment plans to get others to buy into their mumbo jumbo. Some people will use their supposed gift of fab and knowledge to overthrow one to gain position. Some people simply use their good looks to entice others; thereby keeping their sight from seeing the real picture. Some people love to get close to others and then ruin them. I've seen it, I've done it, and I've experienced it. Manipulation has the power to destroy. It's another form of rebellion against ones authority/leadership. It's a form of lust, pride, jealousy, and anger because somebody can't get it their way. Manipulation I believe is one of the top 10 destiny killers in the history of man. From Adam and Eve, to Genghis Khan, to Adolfo Hitler. I'm telling you my friends, we gotta be like one reggae artist St. Matthew says, Wise up. Like they used to say back in the day, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Even Nehemiah dealt with manipulation from his enemies but told those jokers he wasn't going to stoop to their level. You know, we live in an interpersonal relationship world. We have to be careful of the bones that's in our closet we share with others. They'll see them and tell everybody your "sacred" business. We have to be careful of how we conduct ourselves especially those of us in management positions. People are praying for our downfall and like vultures, will feed on the dead (I'm learning momma, I'm learning). So how do we overcome manipulation, this thing that will cause us to compromise, to lose heart, to castrate our purpose? We study the Word of God, we pray, we walk in the Spirit, we link up with those who've been where we're trying to go. Most importantly, we come to grips with the fact those who are employed with manipulation are trying to dominate you and make you feel less than. Trust me, I dealt with this all my life and now at 31, I'm standing up straight to confront it with ease. If your businessman and your successful at what you do, don't let nobody make you do anything different. If your an educator who's got a successful track record of teaching, don't let those who are jealous swipe you down with their lies. And married couples, don't let everybody in your business especially when your having "heated fellowship." I know this is a long post but I just couldn't put this in the back burner. Much luv to everybody and get manipulated; be educated!!! (Knowledge with love is power!!!!) Don't let nothing or nobody take away your purpose!!!!

Til next time, gdow

Romans 16:19
Revelation 3:11

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