My friends, sabotage is in the air. It's floating around like a stench of baby poo in the trash can (laugh somebody). I can honestly say that my senses have been heightened to understand sabotage when it rears it's ugly face. We are seeing sabotage occurring more and more on planet Earth no matter where you go. For example look at President Obama. I didn't get a chance to see the 2013 State of the Union address but I can probably envision seeing certain congressmen hating on his views. He probably made some great points and some jokers in the audience probably didn't clap their hands or give honor to where it's due. Then after the man was finished, they "conspire" to stop every agenda he's trying to push (to help Americans) for their own dishonest gain (let's pray for our President). Now that's sabotage. We've seen sabotage occur throughout our world history. The Senate publicly killing Roman emperor Julius Caesar. The sergeant being left for dead by another soldier in Platoon movie. A new leader of a company trying to move it to new levels of innovation but his/her team members are irreverent in their disapproval. A father trying to instill discipline in his children to follow rules but they're cussing him out. A teacher in a high school classroom is trying to educate her students but has to deal with one knucklehead interrupting the whole class. It's crazy, dude. But that's the work of sabotage. I recall an instance of sabotage Jesus was marketing a new strategy of ageless principles in the land of Israel. He chopped it up with those who the Pharisees looked upon as rotten, grimy people. However, Jesus reached out to them and they listened. However, the Pharisees didn't like that because they felt their influence in Jewish society was being threatened. So what do these jokers say about Him. Oh, that dude must be a drunkard. Oh, he's this and he's that. Sabotage will try to ruin others' reputation through lies, deceit, which is all stemming from jealousy. Sabotage. Or what a a out that time when Aaron and Miriam spoke evil about Moses' leadership skills along with dissing his wife (probably called her everything under the sun, too)? They were trying to sabotage Moses from leading the people to the promised land. Even Paul dealt with religious leaders smacking him against the head while he was witnessing the grace of Jesus Christ to roman officials to keep him quiet about the truth. My friends, especially those who are destined for greatest, keep your antennas up, because sabotage is present around you. Like Paul says, we can't be ignorant of Satan's devices and they are readily made to sabotage destiny, purpose, and focus. Sabotage can come from anybody, anywhere, or anything. My friends, I allowed a whole year (2012) to be ruined because I allowed sabotage to take me not from behind but right in my face. Instead of fighting against it and strategies, I laid down and died. But now, I'm like a warrior, sort of like William Wallace, I'm fighting against sabotage. As my man Starnes told me, you've got to fight. So, let me leave you with these words from my man Peter and let it make you wise:
1st Peter 4:1-2:
"Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God."
As we commit more of ourselves to God, this means we've got to up our wisdom to war against sabotage. Stay alert. Stay alive. And remember, no matter who or what you are, sabotage is always looking to take you down. Through wisdom and strategy we will defeat this foe.
Til next time, esta luego, dgwo.
Luke 7:33-35
1st Peter 4:1-2
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Manipulation: 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner
2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully
b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage
3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose
I think this is becoming more prevalent as the days go by in our society. I was just driving down the road and bam, the word manipulation gets into my head. This skill is used primarily to hide the track of a person's real agenda. A little while ago, I was talking about intentions. Well, I guess this is part two. Manipulation is a common skill used in warfare strategy to get the upper hand of one's enemies. We see the movies where a beautiful woman entertains a king, seduces him, and when opportunity knocks, they take his life. Nowadays, for certain people to get ahead in life, they play on the love and emotions of people. Some people use money or investment plans to get others to buy into their mumbo jumbo. Some people will use their supposed gift of fab and knowledge to overthrow one to gain position. Some people simply use their good looks to entice others; thereby keeping their sight from seeing the real picture. Some people love to get close to others and then ruin them. I've seen it, I've done it, and I've experienced it. Manipulation has the power to destroy. It's another form of rebellion against ones authority/leadership. It's a form of lust, pride, jealousy, and anger because somebody can't get it their way. Manipulation I believe is one of the top 10 destiny killers in the history of man. From Adam and Eve, to Genghis Khan, to Adolfo Hitler. I'm telling you my friends, we gotta be like one reggae artist St. Matthew says, Wise up. Like they used to say back in the day, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Even Nehemiah dealt with manipulation from his enemies but told those jokers he wasn't going to stoop to their level. You know, we live in an interpersonal relationship world. We have to be careful of the bones that's in our closet we share with others. They'll see them and tell everybody your "sacred" business. We have to be careful of how we conduct ourselves especially those of us in management positions. People are praying for our downfall and like vultures, will feed on the dead (I'm learning momma, I'm learning). So how do we overcome manipulation, this thing that will cause us to compromise, to lose heart, to castrate our purpose? We study the Word of God, we pray, we walk in the Spirit, we link up with those who've been where we're trying to go. Most importantly, we come to grips with the fact those who are employed with manipulation are trying to dominate you and make you feel less than. Trust me, I dealt with this all my life and now at 31, I'm standing up straight to confront it with ease. If your businessman and your successful at what you do, don't let nobody make you do anything different. If your an educator who's got a successful track record of teaching, don't let those who are jealous swipe you down with their lies. And married couples, don't let everybody in your business especially when your having "heated fellowship." I know this is a long post but I just couldn't put this in the back burner. Much luv to everybody and get manipulated; be educated!!! (Knowledge with love is power!!!!) Don't let nothing or nobody take away your purpose!!!!
Til next time, gdow
Romans 16:19
Revelation 3:11
2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully
b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage
3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose
I think this is becoming more prevalent as the days go by in our society. I was just driving down the road and bam, the word manipulation gets into my head. This skill is used primarily to hide the track of a person's real agenda. A little while ago, I was talking about intentions. Well, I guess this is part two. Manipulation is a common skill used in warfare strategy to get the upper hand of one's enemies. We see the movies where a beautiful woman entertains a king, seduces him, and when opportunity knocks, they take his life. Nowadays, for certain people to get ahead in life, they play on the love and emotions of people. Some people use money or investment plans to get others to buy into their mumbo jumbo. Some people will use their supposed gift of fab and knowledge to overthrow one to gain position. Some people simply use their good looks to entice others; thereby keeping their sight from seeing the real picture. Some people love to get close to others and then ruin them. I've seen it, I've done it, and I've experienced it. Manipulation has the power to destroy. It's another form of rebellion against ones authority/leadership. It's a form of lust, pride, jealousy, and anger because somebody can't get it their way. Manipulation I believe is one of the top 10 destiny killers in the history of man. From Adam and Eve, to Genghis Khan, to Adolfo Hitler. I'm telling you my friends, we gotta be like one reggae artist St. Matthew says, Wise up. Like they used to say back in the day, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Even Nehemiah dealt with manipulation from his enemies but told those jokers he wasn't going to stoop to their level. You know, we live in an interpersonal relationship world. We have to be careful of the bones that's in our closet we share with others. They'll see them and tell everybody your "sacred" business. We have to be careful of how we conduct ourselves especially those of us in management positions. People are praying for our downfall and like vultures, will feed on the dead (I'm learning momma, I'm learning). So how do we overcome manipulation, this thing that will cause us to compromise, to lose heart, to castrate our purpose? We study the Word of God, we pray, we walk in the Spirit, we link up with those who've been where we're trying to go. Most importantly, we come to grips with the fact those who are employed with manipulation are trying to dominate you and make you feel less than. Trust me, I dealt with this all my life and now at 31, I'm standing up straight to confront it with ease. If your businessman and your successful at what you do, don't let nobody make you do anything different. If your an educator who's got a successful track record of teaching, don't let those who are jealous swipe you down with their lies. And married couples, don't let everybody in your business especially when your having "heated fellowship." I know this is a long post but I just couldn't put this in the back burner. Much luv to everybody and get manipulated; be educated!!! (Knowledge with love is power!!!!) Don't let nothing or nobody take away your purpose!!!!
Til next time, gdow
Romans 16:19
Revelation 3:11
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Grow Up
1 her progress from childhood to maturity: adulthood, majority, coming-of-age, manhood, womanhood.
2 he displayed a maturity beyond his years: responsibility, sense, levelheadedness; wisdom, discrimination, shrewdness, sophistication.
This word is what we need. This is what we should aspire to achieve. This is what we should covet to become and discipline ourselves to obtain. But to be quite honest, a lot of us in American society aren't trying to get that at all. As the definition of this word maturity shows, "responsibility, sense, levelheadedness, wisdom, sophistication", is what we run away from. Maturity also entails accountability, an open mind (an expanded view of life), and learning new tricks (despite if we're old dogs). Why do we run from maturity? Why do we love the comforts of acting like 12 year-old middle school kids always starting something? Why do we hate to listen and apply the wisdom we receive on the daily? It's crazy but it's true. Within the past couple of years, maybe the past two years, I've seen immaturity in my immediate surroundings at an all time high, even within myself. The gossip. The lying. The cheating. The brown-nosing. The disrespect. Etc. Etc. We see this happen from the business world, to the college rooms, to the executive board meetings, and to the professional basketball team (i.e. - look at Kobe's plight with the Lakers {Dwight Howard}). Immaturity is like the worst form of malignant cancer for business relationships, friendships, church communities, and teachers providing valid information to his or her students. Those who are mature have to pray two hours more to deal with them and their complaining. Mature people can't hang with those who are immature because they already know it's like making a stubborn mule drinking fresh water from a well. Those who are mature are always in forward motion, looking to help someone as they as going somewhere, and desire to leave a mark of success (even in the midst of failure) before they're six feet deep. But let me give you all a bulleted list of immaturity:
the state of being immature or not fully grown.
• behavior that is appropriate to someone younger: they were shocked by such immaturity in a grown man.
My friends, I have some good news for us. It's time for us to grow up. It's time for us to be children and be men and women. It's time for us to step up to the plate and be responsible people (i.e. - taking care of our kids and making others raise them for us, admit when we're wrong, being real with ourselves, etc.). It's time for us to stop the gossip because on the real, our words of death are rendering death to the person we're yapping our lips about. It's time for us to stop disrespecting our bosses at our jobs and say yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am (and if they're wrong, pray for them!). It's time for us to stop being and acting ghetto. Be respectful of ourselves and for others for a change. Ghetto-ness is keeping us from going to that next level. It's time for us to stop being so sensitive that people can't even tell us that our shoes are untied. Man, I can go on and on but I'm not inexhaustible. What I'm saying here guys, grow up. We need to do it now. Don't wait until tomorrow because it's not promised. Work towards maturity while its day. Jesus Himself could only achieve favor with God and with man through one thing, Maturity (Luke 2:52). So, let me leave you with these words from my long gone mentor Paul:
1st Corinthians 13:11:
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
As my man Stephen the Levite said years ago, "It's time for the children of God to grow up..."
Indeed my brother, indeed.
Til next time, Tchuss, gw (exit dgwo).
Proverbs 17:25
1st Corinthians 13:11
Hebrews 6:12
1 her progress from childhood to maturity: adulthood, majority, coming-of-age, manhood, womanhood.
2 he displayed a maturity beyond his years: responsibility, sense, levelheadedness; wisdom, discrimination, shrewdness, sophistication.
This word is what we need. This is what we should aspire to achieve. This is what we should covet to become and discipline ourselves to obtain. But to be quite honest, a lot of us in American society aren't trying to get that at all. As the definition of this word maturity shows, "responsibility, sense, levelheadedness, wisdom, sophistication", is what we run away from. Maturity also entails accountability, an open mind (an expanded view of life), and learning new tricks (despite if we're old dogs). Why do we run from maturity? Why do we love the comforts of acting like 12 year-old middle school kids always starting something? Why do we hate to listen and apply the wisdom we receive on the daily? It's crazy but it's true. Within the past couple of years, maybe the past two years, I've seen immaturity in my immediate surroundings at an all time high, even within myself. The gossip. The lying. The cheating. The brown-nosing. The disrespect. Etc. Etc. We see this happen from the business world, to the college rooms, to the executive board meetings, and to the professional basketball team (i.e. - look at Kobe's plight with the Lakers {Dwight Howard}). Immaturity is like the worst form of malignant cancer for business relationships, friendships, church communities, and teachers providing valid information to his or her students. Those who are mature have to pray two hours more to deal with them and their complaining. Mature people can't hang with those who are immature because they already know it's like making a stubborn mule drinking fresh water from a well. Those who are mature are always in forward motion, looking to help someone as they as going somewhere, and desire to leave a mark of success (even in the midst of failure) before they're six feet deep. But let me give you all a bulleted list of immaturity:
- sensitive and takes offense when corrected
- shuns wisdom
- selfish and moody
- untrustworthy and messy
- busybody and unaccountable
- acting like a fool (in other terms, ghetto)
- no respect for authority (God, boss, laws, etc.)
- shameful and off the chiz-ain
the state of being immature or not fully grown.
• behavior that is appropriate to someone younger: they were shocked by such immaturity in a grown man.
My friends, I have some good news for us. It's time for us to grow up. It's time for us to be children and be men and women. It's time for us to step up to the plate and be responsible people (i.e. - taking care of our kids and making others raise them for us, admit when we're wrong, being real with ourselves, etc.). It's time for us to stop the gossip because on the real, our words of death are rendering death to the person we're yapping our lips about. It's time for us to stop disrespecting our bosses at our jobs and say yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am (and if they're wrong, pray for them!). It's time for us to stop being and acting ghetto. Be respectful of ourselves and for others for a change. Ghetto-ness is keeping us from going to that next level. It's time for us to stop being so sensitive that people can't even tell us that our shoes are untied. Man, I can go on and on but I'm not inexhaustible. What I'm saying here guys, grow up. We need to do it now. Don't wait until tomorrow because it's not promised. Work towards maturity while its day. Jesus Himself could only achieve favor with God and with man through one thing, Maturity (Luke 2:52). So, let me leave you with these words from my long gone mentor Paul:
1st Corinthians 13:11:
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
As my man Stephen the Levite said years ago, "It's time for the children of God to grow up..."
Indeed my brother, indeed.
Til next time, Tchuss, gw (exit dgwo).
Proverbs 17:25
1st Corinthians 13:11
Hebrews 6:12
Apostle Paul,
David Overton,
Grow Up,
Thoughts of David
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