I know today's blog is different from the norm but it's a topic that's been in my thoughts for a while. If we would take a look around, we will see that the music industry and our culture in general is ran by three art forms, pop, R&B, blues, country, and hip-hop. The most popular, especially in urban culture is hip-hop. This art form has made great lengths in reaching the entire globe since the mid-80s, which was the golden age of rap music. Throughout recent years though, this art form has declined morally and spiritually. However, the glitz, glamor, fame, and supposed wealth has increased. Many rap artists are experiencing much success on the Billboard charts and people of every state know their name. But one thing no one wants to discuss is how far this art form is pulling many people from God. God's true intent for man is for us to have a relationship with Him and to honor Him. One of the best ways we can honor Him is create lyrics and melodies dedicated to Him. But just with every art form, including a lot of gospel music right now, God is getting nothing from His creation. With hip-hop, which has been around way longer than the late 1960s-mid 1970s (Grandmaster Cash, Kool Herc, etc.), this art form is a needed tool for God right now. Why did God create rap/hip-hop? Some people including famous American preachers question if God created hip-hop. Well my friends, God did create rap/hip-hop just like every other art form of music. In the Book of James, this writer talks about how every good and perfect gift comes from God, who is the Father of lights. Paul mentions how God made creation, that everything and everyone consists by Him, and how He is reconciling all back to Him (saying He is the center of it all). Hip-hop is one of those good and perfect gifts given to men to reach other men; drawing them back to the Father of lights. Some people argue that Satan created hip-hop. Hmmm....I disagree. Jesus refers to Satan as the father of lies, meaning, his main job is to pervert everything God creates through the sinful nature of mankind. Anything not submitted to God, from preaching, to finances, to politics is going to be subject to Satan anyhow. My friends, God created hip-hop to being Humself glory, just like everything else. This was his original intent until we allowed sin to run rampant. How can you day this, David? I remember when I was around 7 or 8 years old, Bobby Jones had this rap group come up and do thee thing. I can't remember one thing they said but I knew it was different from what was going down at that time. These people were saved and showed their enthusiasm for God. But what did the church do? They shunned. To this day, many churches in America call hip-hop Satan's work. But I beg to defer. God has raised up modern day Jeremiah's, Ezekiel's, Elijah's, Deborah's, and John the Baptists to turn the hearts of a messed up generation back to God. God had equipped them with His word and empowered them by His Spirit to
Speak truth. They are doing what 99.9% of rappers in the industry aren't doing, that's blessing the name of Jesus in a dark world. These are the repairers of the breach. To te church, if you think you're going to reach the younger generation just throughout the arts of choirs and yelling preaching, you're sadly mistaken. The youth need something that reaches them, something that speaks ther language. Hip-hop right now is their language. Wemust pray for those Christian rappers that God will open doors to reach them. Like Lecrae said, the youth arent going to sit down to listen to some screaming preachers. My friends, hip-hop is just like every other tool or hook or gift. It's to be used to reel the sheep into the Shepherd's flock. Now, I know this blog is long and some of you super spirituals and dudes in the industry may not agree with these words. But I only say what God inspires me to say. To those in the industry reconsider, God didn't give you the gift of rap to talk about money cars and broads. He gave you that gift to give Him honor, to teach the youth to get their education, and expound on the Word of God. Some of you know this and youre being a hardhead (ask
Eshon Burgundy, he tell you). To the church, God is using this art form as a tool for mass evangelism and should have been accepted over 20 years ago. For this cause, we're back logged millions and millions of youth to reach for God. Support Christian hip-hop; to be honest it's the only true form of this genre. Before I close this out, let me quote these words from Ezekiel:
"...son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words into them.
For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech, and a hard language, but to the house of Israel(the lost and found)." - Ezekiel 3:4-5
Till next time, dgwo
Ezekiel 3:1-7
Colossians 1:16-22
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