Monday, June 15, 2015

You Can Keep Your "Jesus"

If anyone believes on the name of Jesus, the same will be saved. That's a street version quote from the book of Romans. Centuries later, this phrase has been used to give people the power, authority, and dominion in the "earth realm." Yes, this is so true and millions are spirits are being led astray from the Jesus they need to know about. For the past few months, I've been thinking on a scripture I used to read a lot and only understood from the "churchy" perspective. To corner phrase, "who has tricked you?" Another says, "anyone talking about another Jesus that you received on a one on one basis, let him be cursed." I guess a lot of ho-hum, spirit filled, tongue taking, handclapping, tithe giving, hands raising Chrisitians didn't read the email. Even the man himself warns to heed the voice of reason (truth) so you won't heed the voice of another (wolves). I and millions of  others allowed ourselves to be tricked, hitched, and our necks slit. We get baited into believing that we have the "Holy Ghost" by speaking with tongues as the spirit gives utterance (yet lack common sense and other cultural skills to be successful in this world). If this isn't happening, we aren't filled and technically not "saved." We are taught to give our 10 percent of our gross earnings while the government takes less than that from our paycheck. If we don't give them we're not blessed but cursed. We are taught that to live the Chrisitian life we have to go to church. If we don't go to church, we are subjected to the whims of this "world." We are taught that God gives us pastors after his own heart to lead, guide, impart, and release us into "ministry." If not, we will never walk in the "fullness of God." One word for all this-Mess." For over a year now, people say, you're saying all this because you've been hurt by the church. That's bs too because my outprocess from chrisitanity began as early as summer 2012. I saw that the world isn't wicked, just the a-holes we allow to have power and control. I learned that a lot of stuff I've learned since a child to adulthood doesn't work for me. I learned that since a child, I've only known this "Jesus" that will accept you into heaven if you do this, this, and this..... Presently, we are seeing chrisitanity and the institution of "church" for what is really is yet those who are a part of the "Babylonian" system have their eyes blinded by the gods of this age (pastors, fake apostles and prophets, teachers, and evangelists). They, just as I did, enable a system that continues to indoctrinate folks into a thought process that dumbs that 99% of their human intelligence. People are shunning "the gospel" because they know it's propaganda is being used to turn out people like pimps to hoes. This "Jesus" proclaimed by the majority of Chrisitans isn't Jesus at all. The Jesus in the gospels didn't exclude people unless those people were excluding others from knowing God for themselves without a preacher or man-made doctrines. The Jesus I know (I'll agree with Carlton on this one) wants everybody to know God for themselves; everybody. The Jesus I know only judged the world of folks that's making life difficult for the masses, not everyone who's not a part of the church. Hell, the Jesus I know didn't preach separatism because one sins differently than the next person. That's the real Jesus, not this con artist that's quoting Abraham to support a preacher buying a 65 million dollar plane. Yeah, it may sound like I'm pissed again but that's not the case. I would like to see more people see that this Jesus they believe in is nothing but a ICE train to nothing. I guess Kanye was right after all....

Just my opinion.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Where Is The Love?

The older I get, as the times change, I'm seeing that love has become a superficial word we as a society to use. Stevie Wonder had a song that posed this question back in the 90s. Almost 20 bullets later, his truth looks absolute. I believe more and more people are becoming sociopaths to be honest. Hell, I see sociopathic tendencies in my own behavior. This morning I had to accord that I've allowed life to "trip me up." I realized that love is it already has left my heart. Or maybe I'm feeling the effects of what I perceive going on around me. Mothers are turning against their daughters. Fathers abandon their sons. Friends turn on each other. Someone catches the raw end of the deal and if they don't have a shoulder to cry on, the hurt go out into the world hurting others. I've distanced myself so I don't become the asshole others have been to me. I'll tell you right now, within the past two weeks, I've seen the total disparity of  humanity, from family, to job, to religion. All I have to ask is, where is the love? How can family members say they love each other but put knives in each other's back? How can churches/preachers  say they love God but condemn others unlike them? How can friends friend enemies; thereby betray their other friends to run with their enemies? How can spouses think so lowly of each other when things get hard? Ask yourself, where is the love in your love? 

Til Next Time.....