-serving a "man/woman of God"
-"faithfully" going to a assembly to "worship" God in a building every week
-paying my way to heaven through tithes and offerings making leaders of an organization but never given to the poor and needy
-thinking one religion is better than another (when they're all the same just using different names/titles to things)
-saying "I love God" not out of genuine love but a fear of "going to hell"
I can go on but you get the picture. Just a year ago, a pimp preacher (The whole truth series explains it more) told me I'll be back. Back to graveling "at the horns the altar" of "church" looking for the mercy of God for turning on the will of "His prophets."
You know that's bs, right? They said that me and my gorgeous wife would be cursed; becoming "scourges of the earth." Hell, they even tried to dirty our name and history to keep their fledging church together. Well, after a year later, The Overtons, who are still healing from separating from religiosity and cultism are better, wiser, and stronger than ever. Meaning, we don't take nobody's ----. Word on the street is, she's facing some troubles of her own at a "educational facility" she's running. Her marriage is a farce and the word is out about her "psychopath" ways. Now, I'm not saying all this in from a bitter or angry place. I'm saying all this because the tables are turning. Many preachers in the Central Texas area live by Psalms 105:15, for people not to touch God's anointed (can't even correct them when they're doing wrong). Looks like I'm a growing number of "vagabonds" living their dreams and lives once held captive by religion. Now these "monsters" are facing and experiencing "a falling away"
because people are ready to live and make their mark in this life. The tithes and offerings are getting less and less. People find other means to maintain their spiritual enlightenment. And thank God people are using the Internet to understand the true nature of religion, to divide the peoples from each other and to control the mind. More and more people who've been screwed by this system called Babylon (including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc) are coming out. The powers that be say we're nothing and won't survive. They laughed first but we the people will laugh last. For every woman abused by their spouse and told they are nothing, don't worry. The time will come when you will be laughing last. For every employee who's been fired for not conforming to a wrong system, don't worry. You'll be laughing last. Life is funny and filled with karma. The same people you see on top will be on bottom and will be asking you for mercy. I've learned that God loves avenging innocent and in due time, the wrongful parties will face the rain.
To all those who said and thought I was going to die without you, I'm still here. You couldn't destroy me yet you tried. You still flap you gums about me to keep loved ones away from me. You have parties celebrating my sufferings and demise. But know this, he who laughs first will not laugh last.
Bet on that jack.....
Til next time......
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ReplyDeleteAnd the church said Amen He does make our enemies Our Footstools. No way around it For whatsoever is sown that shall we also reap The offending party ssems to neglect to remember these biblical principles