Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Price Of Being Removed

Currently, I'm in another state for the next couple of weeks due to job training. But deep inside, I know this is a vacation for me. Now, the place where I am isn't Hawaii but back in one of my beloved stomping grounds, Baltimore MD. It's cold, it's windy but it's good. Oh how I wish my beautiful wife Dionn was here with me to enjoy the spoils, too. But everything happens for a reason and the reason is me getting rooted and grounded in my faith in Christ. I'm having to experience a process Wes's Morgan some years ago sung about called "Love My Hurt Away." There's an old saying, "Sticks and stone can break my bones but words will never hurt me." Well, whoever came out with that phrase was smoking on a street pharmaceutical. But for real though, they did. But God is healing me from many of my light afflictions. He had to take me away from the battlefield literally to get refocused on Him. Paul shared a saying with the Galatians how he marveled the ways they were soon removed from the truth they were. When I read that for myself, I felt bad. Instead of pleasing God, I was pleasing people. Instead of praying and I was staying frustrated. Instead of me being real I was turning into a Pharisee, spiritually dead but knew a lot about God but lost touch with Him. My bitterness, anxiety, and responsibilities were coming before my relationship with Jesus and being a sound husband for my wife. That's bad. That's really bad. The teachings, all the praying, and the reading was becoming garbage because my roots were drying out, no water was hitting them. Even after a tree is planted, it still needs to get water. Even if it receives water on its limbs, if the water doesn't trickle down to the roots, eventually it's going to die (although it has the appearance of a tree standing). Soon removed and I'm not the only one going through this. But here's the good news, it's a new day and there's a freshness He wants to give to us. God is able to replant us back into Him it just takes us submitting ourselves to Him admitting that we are removed. Once we take the first step forward watch Him go to work. If you're planted, stay planted by the rivers of water and share what you have with others removed with realness and love. Don't judge. I know this a lot but the truth of the gospel is setting us in God's reality of love and purpose for us. Well, that's my two cents. If this sounds a little weird it's the evidence of my faith in God is getting worked on slowly but steadily.

Much luv, dgwo

Galatians 1:6
Psalms 1
Romans 11

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